Soft Computing Tools in Engineering Lab

In recent times, engineers have very well accepted soft computing tools such as Fuzzy Computing, Neuro-Computing, Evolutionary Computing, Probabilistic Computing, and Immunological Computing etc. for carrying out various numerical simulation studies. In last two decades, these tools independently as well as in hybrid forms has been successfully applied to varieties of problems.

The main objective of the proposed virtual lab is to introduce students about the latest Computational Intelligence Tools ( also known as soft computing tools). The training of these tools will be useful to develop rigorous applications in the engineering domain.

The experiments cover following broad areas:
Fuzzy Logic
1. Fuzzy Logic Fundamentals and Basic Operations
2. Fuzzy Inference System(FIS)
3. Fuzzy Weighted Average
4. Fuzzy Control

Artificial Neural Networks
5. Neural Networks and Perceptron
6. Multilayer Perceptron
7. Radial Basis Function
8. Probabilistic Neural Networks

Evolutionary Algorithms (EA)
9. Introduction to EA
10. Binary and Real Coded genetic Algorithms
11. Genetic Expression Programming

Probabilistic Reasoning
12. Introduction to Probabilistic Reasoning and Baayesian Networks Application